Port Republic, Peach Grove, and Neff Avenue Study Public Meeting Social Pinpoint Page Open

Learn more about the proposed transportation improvements at our Social Pinpoint Site!

OIPI Recommends Funding for Two SMART SCALE Projects in HRMPO Area

The Office of Intermodal Planning and Investment (OIPI) has released its recommended scenario to award two Round 6 Applications for funding in the SMART SCALE Program at Mt. Clinton Pike and the Exit 245/Port Republic interchange

Vine Street STARS Study

The VDOT STARS transportation study along the 1.4-mile segment of Vine Street between US 33 and US 11 has opened a public survey to understand challenges and uses of the corridor. Click the button below to take the survey.

Harrisonburg Department of Public Transportation rebrands City bus system

Harrisonburg Department of Public Transportation (HDPT) unveiled its 15 new standard-size buses and several smaller vehicles with new brand and logo

Four Transportation Studies Ongoing in HRMPO Area

Four studies are currently in progress within the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Metropolitan Planning Organization (HRMPO) boundaries aimed at improving safety and mobility throughout the region.

Virginia Breeze Adds I-64 ‘Tidewater Current’ Route from Virginia Beach to Harrisonburg

The Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) is launching a new East-West bus route, the Tidewater Current, in 2025 to connect Harrisonburg and Virginia Beach as part of its  Virginia Breeze Bus Line network


The Harrisonburg-Rockingham Metropolitan Planning Organization (HRMPO) was established in 2003 and is the regional transportation planning organization that provides support for multimodal transportation projects in the City of Harrisonburg, the Towns of Bridgewater, Dayton, and Mt Crawford, and the surrounding portions of Rockingham County.