SMART SCALE is a program that distributes transportation funds based on a transparent and objective evaluation of projects that will determine how effectively they achieve statewide transportation needs outlined in VTrans 2045.

For projects eligible under both the Statewide High Priority and District Grant funding pools, localities can maximize a project’s chance of being funded by submitting a project via a regional agency like the MPO or the Planning District Commission. The HRMPO submitted 3 project pre-applications on behalf of localities. Regional MPO partners and localities worked closely together to submit 9 regional project applications to the SMART SCALE grant program.

The projects are listed below and the project sketches are available HERE.

 Applicant Project Application Description Rounded Cost After Inflation Relevant Study
Harrisonburg Port Republic Road Turn Lane and Sidewalk Extend the EB Port Republic Rd. left turn lane at Bluestone Dr from 100′ of storage to 300; Extend sidewalk and install median from Hillside Ave/Bluestone Dr to Crawford Ave $2.9 M HRMPO SAS 2018-2019
Harrisonburg Erickson Avenue and Pear Street Modified RCUT Install restricted crossing treatment at Erickson Ave & Pear St with new signal at U-turn on Erickson Ave $3.1M STARS 2019-2020
Harrisonburg South Main Street Safety Improvements

Install median on S Main St from Stone Spring Rd/Erickson Ave to just south of Mosby Rd; Install sidewalk on east side, same extents;

Addition of bus shelters at 3 bus stops

$2.6M STARS 2019-2020
Harrisonburg South Main Street and I-81 Exit 243 Interchange Improvements

At US-11 & Covenant Dr: widen SB approach & receiving I-81 on-ramp for dual left; reconfigure and widen I-81 off-ramp to provide dual left and expanded storage;  install sidewalk on west side from truck stop to Weavers Flooring

Ped signals at Pleasant Valley Rd

$5.7M Bluestone TIA 2019
CSPDC North Main Street Sidewalk Install sidewalk on east side of N Main St from Holly Hill Dr to Vine St; Install signalized crosswalks at N Main St & Vine St $2.5M City Bike/Ped Plan
HRMPO Bluestone Trail Extension Closes a 0.7 mile gap between two sections of the Bluestone Trail, a 10′ wide paved shared use path, between Stone Spring Rd and the new high school $9.4M City Bike/Ped Plan
HRMPO Port Republic Road Corridor improvements Install traffic signal with signalized crosswalks and WB left turn lane at Port Republic Rd & Bradley Dr. Install median between the Bradley Dr and Devon Ln. Install channelizing island at Hunters Rd to prohibit left turns. $4.1M HRMPO SAS 2019
HRMPO Mount Crawford Park and Ride Lot Improvements Expansion of the existing Mt. Crawford Park and Ride at I-81, Exit 240 with 32 new spaces; construct a bus stop with shelter, bike racks, lighting, and infrastructure for an EV charging station $3.1M HRMPO SAS 2019-2020
Rockingham Smithland Road (Route 720) Widening Widen Rt. 720/Smithland Road beginning 300 ft from US-11 to add 4-ft shoulders on both sides and increase lane width where possible; Construct right turn lane on Rt. 720 at US-11 $3.3M VDOT on-call study