Downtown Harrisonburg Operations Study (2020)
This study evaluated the traffic impacts of reconfiguring the downtown transportation network, which will inform the City’s 2020 Downtown Master Planning process. Using traffic software models, consultants and the study team analyzed lane reconfiguration scenarios which reduce Main Street and/or Liberty Street to one automobile travel lane. VHB consultants developed current and future year (2030) traffic models for over 30 downtown intersections, tested lane reconfiguration concepts in the future model (2030), and developed three traffic impact mitigation recommendations.
The analysis compared the 2030 No Build Model (no changes to the downtown network) with a 2030 Build Model that reduced Main Street and Liberty Street to one vehicle travel lane, optimized signal timings, and assumed traffic pattern shifts to alternate routes like High Street and Mason Street.
The model comparisons revealed that the Downtown street network has sufficient capacity to accommodate the lane reductions. All study intersections in the 2030 Build Model analysis network operate at an acceptable Level of Service (LOS), with the vast majority operating with excess capacity.
VHB, VDOT, and the MPO Study Team developed three recommendations to improve intersection level of service (LOS) and reduce vehicle queue lengths in the 2030 Build scenario:
1) S. Main Street and MLK Jr. Way Intersection: Reduce signal delay by converting the existing westbound left/through lane to a through-only lane to allow for the removal of traffic signal split-phasing in the eastbound and westbound direction. This recommendation would be applied to all three (3) build scenarios.
2) Mason Street and E. Market Street Intersection: Reduce traffic queuing by converting the northbound approach to two (2) travel lanes (one left/through and one through/right) for the full length of upstream block. Mason Street north of E. Market Street is already two (2) lanes. It is anticipated that this recommendation can be done within the existing curb space but would require the removal of two (2) parking spots. This recommendation would be applied to the following build scenarios:
- Lane reconfiguration on Main Street only
- Lane reconfiguration on both Liberty Street and Main Street
3) S. High Street / MLK Jr. Way Intersection: Extend the S. High Street southbound left-turn storage bay by 100 feet to fully accommodate anticipated future no build and build southbound left-turn queues. This recommendation can be constructed within existing right-of-way but would require the modification of the landscaped median. This recommendation would be applied to the following build scenarios:
- Lane reconfiguration on Liberty Street only
- Lane reconfiguration on both Liberty Street and Main Street