Home 9 Current Studies 9 Port Republic Road/Peach Grove/Neff Avenue Area Study

Port Republic Road/Peach Grove/Neff Avenue Small Area Study

This study of the Port Republic Road, Peach Grove Avenue, and Neff Avenue intersection in the City of Harrisonburg will create a holistic plan for accommodating travel under short- and long-term build-out scenarios, addressing current operational and safety needs while preparing for future development.

The study area includes the region bounded by Devon Lane to the north/east, Portland/Wine Drive to the south/west, Turner Ashby Lane/A Dream Come True Playground to the north, and Stone Spring Road to the south. The study will analyze existing conditions, including crash history and peak hour traffic volumes, and forecast future travel demand based on approved and potential developments in the area.

The Harrisonburg-Rockingham MPO, in collaboration with the City of Harrisonburg and VDOT, will conduct operational and safety analyses for multiple intersections and street segments, developing alternative concepts for managing the expected growth. The study will provide insights to the intersection by conducting individual Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) limitations, future vision alignment, and planning for transit and bike/pedestrian planning integration.

Potential alternatives will include solutions such as new connectivity, signal or lane reconfigurations, access management, new multimodal infrastructure, mode prioritization, and transportation demand management. A sensitivity analysis will be performed for the preferred alternative to inform a schedule of milestones that trigger the need for specific study recommendations to be implemented.

The final study report will provide a framework for equitable development contributions, streamlined planning processes, and clear expectations for bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. The City will adopt the plan and incorporate it by reference into the Comprehensive Plan, giving City staff the tools needed to collaborate with developers on increasing capacity, travel options, and preserving safety for the transportation network in this high-traffic area.

Friedens Church Road looking west