Current Studies

The HRMPO Small Area Study (SAS) Program identifies regional transportation issues and develops fundable solutions to advance the goals of the MPO’s Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and local Comprehensive and Economic Development Plans. Short-Range planning activities for the HRMPO include maintenance of the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and small area or corridor studies to advance projects to the project application and programming stage.

This task allows HRMPO staff or consultants to perform corridor, interchange, or intersection planning studies to prepare projects for advancement to the Virginia Department of Transportation’s (VDOT) Six Year Improvement Program (SYIP) and Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) or towards construction funded by other means.

The studies often examine transportation issues related to vehicular traffic; however, active transportation modes and transit will also be incorporated into all studies. These studies also may include opportunities to examine the potential for economic development and show commitment to infrastructure improvements.


Transportation studies currently underway in our region include:

Port Republic Road - Peach Grove Intersection Small Area Study

The HRMPO’s current transportation study is the Port Republic Road Small Area Study. Preliminary meetings with MPO and locality staff to develop a scope of work for the study are underway and the study is expected to begin in September 2024. Learn more about the Port Republic Road Intersection Study.