On June 20th, the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) announced funding awards for the FY 2018-2020 Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) application cycle. The CTB selected five projects in the HRMPO region to receive allocations totaling $1,030,402. These projects are:
- Federal Street Shared Use Path: Construct a shared use path on Federal Street, from E. Market Street to E. Elizabeth Street, and convert Federal Street from a two-way local street in downtown Harrisonburg to a one-way local street with a shared use path on the west side and sidewalk on the east side.
- Park Road Pedestrian Improvements Project: Park Road will be enhanced with aesthetic and safety features through the Eastern Mennonite University campus. The project includes: widening two decorative stamped asphalt crosswalks; upgrading two additional crosswalks to decorative style; the addition of one new crosswalk; add ADA compliant curb ramps; upgrade all crosswalk sign posts to include retroreflective panels. Flashing beacons on school zone advanced warning signs at the perimeter of campus, and a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon with passive detection at the highest volume crosswalk are also included in the application.
- Downtown Streetscape Project – Phase 3: This phase includes the complete reconstruction of downtown sidewalks, curb and gutter, traffic signals, the addition of new pedestrian signals and crosswalks, and utility work along both sides of US Route 11 (Main Street), between Elizabeth Street and Wolfe Street. The City proposes these hardscape and landscape changes to enhance the beauty, vitality, and safety of Harrisonburg’s downtown historic district.
- Generations Park to Oakdale Park Connector (Gen-Oak Connector): Construct a sidewalk on the west side of Liberty Street from Generations Park to Mount Crawford Avenue, installation of a crosswalk at the intersection of North Liberty and Mount Crawford Avenue, extend existing sidewalk on the north side of Mount Crawford approximately 600 feet to Naomi Lane where another crosswalk would be installed to improve access to the Bridgewater Retirement Community, and conclude with a walking path from the Naomi Lane/Mount Crawford intersection to the Depot parking lot in Oakdale Park.
- Main Street Improvements: Construct bicycle and pedestrian features at 14 intersections along Main Street to improve safety and access.
The Transportation Alternatives Program provides funding for programs and projects that improve access to public transportation, mobility, safety, infrastructure and environmental impact of alternative modes of transportation.
HRMPO staff assists member jurisdictions with grant writing, providing supporting resolutions, and coordinating application materials in each transportation planning cycle. For more information contact Ann Cundy, Transportation Program Manager at (540) 885-5174, or via email at ann@cspdc.org.