Stay up to date on the latest news from the HRMPO.
Two FY 24-27 TIP Amendments Released for Public Comment
The HRMPO released two draft amendments for a 21-day public comment period at the May Policy Board meeting. The amendments update two numerical totals of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) federal funding. The draft...
Virginia Breeze Adds I-64 ‘Tidewater Current’ Route to Harrisonburg
The Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) has announced its new Virginia Breeze Bus Line Route along Interstate 64, the Tidewater Current route, with Harrisonburg as the western terminus. This East-West service, connecting Harrisonburg to...
Attend the Dinkel Avenue and Friedens Church Corridor Study Open House at Smiley’s Ice Cream on May 21st
The HRPMO Dinkel Avenue and Friedens Church Road Corridor Small Area Study Group is holding a public open house to discuss recommended improvements to the corridor at Smiley's Ice Cream on May 21st from 4:00pm - 6:00pm. HRMPO is working with consultants Vanhasse...
Watch a Free Screening of “The Street Project” on June 20th at the Wayne Theatre
The Harrisonburg-Rockingham Metropolitan Planning Organization wants to alert you to a free community screening of the documentary film "The Street Project". This important film explores the rise in pedestrian and cyclist fatalities on U.S. roads, the historical...
Attend the DRPT Richmond HQ Open House on May 29th
The Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) is hosting an open house at their Richmond headquarters on May 29th from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM to celebrate Director Jennifer DeBruhl's career. The event will feature remarks from invited speakers Secretary...
Draft FY25 HRMPO UPWP Available for Review
The FY 24-27 TIP has been amended. The amendment is hereby released for 21 days of public comment.
Attend the Spring 2024 DRPT SYIP Transit Meeting
The Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) will conduct a public meeting in the VDOT Staunton Construction District to give citizens the opportunity to provide comments on projects and programs to be included in the Fiscal Year 2025-2030 Six-Year Improvement Program (FY2025-2030 SYIP), including highway, rail and public transportation initiatives. These projects and programs represent important improvements to address safety, congestion and preservation of Virginia’s transportation network.
Attend the Spring 2024 Staunton District CTB SYIP Meeting
The Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) will conduct a public meeting in the VDOT Staunton Construction District to give citizens the opportunity to provide comments on projects and programs to be included in the Fiscal Year 2025-2030 Six-Year Improvement Program (FY2025-2030 SYIP), including highway, rail and public transportation initiatives. These projects and programs represent important improvements to address safety, congestion and preservation of Virginia’s transportation network.
FY 24-27 TIP Amendment Released for Public Comment
The FY 24-27 TIP has been amended. The amendment is hereby released for 21 days of public comment.
Harrisonburg Rockingham MPO 2024 Calendar Released
The Harrisonburg Rockingham MPO's 2024 meeting schedule for the Policy Board and Technical Advisory Committee has been approved. Unless otherwise noted, all meetings will be held in at the Rockingham County Administration Center, 20 East Gay Street, Harrisonburg. The...