
Stay up to date on the latest news from the HRMPO.

Attend the Spring 2024 DRPT SYIP Transit Meeting

The Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) will conduct a public meeting in the VDOT Staunton Construction District to give citizens the opportunity to provide comments on projects and programs to be included in the Fiscal Year 2025-2030 Six-Year Improvement Program (FY2025-2030 SYIP), including highway, rail and public transportation initiatives.  These projects and programs represent important improvements to address safety, congestion and preservation of Virginia’s transportation network.  

Attend the Spring 2024 Staunton District CTB SYIP Meeting

The Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) will conduct a public meeting in the VDOT Staunton Construction District to give citizens the opportunity to provide comments on projects and programs to be included in the Fiscal Year 2025-2030 Six-Year Improvement Program (FY2025-2030 SYIP), including highway, rail and public transportation initiatives.  These projects and programs represent important improvements to address safety, congestion and preservation of Virginia’s transportation network.  

Harrisonburg Rockingham MPO 2024 Calendar Released

The Harrisonburg Rockingham MPO's 2024 meeting schedule for the Policy Board and Technical Advisory Committee has been approved. Unless otherwise noted, all meetings will be held in at the Rockingham County Administration Center, 20 East Gay Street, Harrisonburg. The...

October is Passenger Safety Month

A recently published article from Harrisonburg’s WSHV reminds viewers that October is Passenger Safety Month. So far in 2023, the Shenandoah Valley has seen 35 pedestrian-involved crashes.