RideShare, a regional service providing free carpool matching, vanpool coordination, and the “Guaranteed Ride Home” program that provides free rides home in an emergency, released an updated website to assist with navigating transportation options in the region.

RideShare is a program of the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission in cooperation with the Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission, working to reduce traffic congestion and increase mobility throughout Central Virginia and the Central Shenandoah Valley.

The service also recently launched a new app, user-friendly smart phone app “RideShare – Rides & Rewards” has been launched to better assist and reward commuters who reduce single occupancy vehicles and use alternate modes of transportation. The platform, developed through Agile Mile and the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT), allows commuters to set up free profiles and be matched with other users traveling to the same location at the same time.

Carpool, vanpool, transit, biking, and walking miles can also be tracked to earn rewards towards dining, activities, and shopping, all while calculating money and gas saved, calories burned, and emissions prevented.

Check out the revamped website, and the new app at www.rideshareinfo.org.