Bike and Pedestrian Planning
HRMPO actively plans for and supports the development of bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure while promoting and encouraging safe bicycling as a viable transportation alternative in the region. Further, the HRMPO works with the local jurisdictions to ensure bicycle and pedestrian needs are being considered in local transportation plans and provides research, planning, and funding relative to bicycle and pedestrian needs.
HRMPO plays a role in the following resources and plans:

HRMPO Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Program
The HRMPO has a Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety and Education Program, which includes production and dispersal of marketing literature and participation in community outreach events as well as a media campaign that promotes bicycle and pedestrian safety. The following are activities the MPO works to accomplish through this program:
- Purchase of marketing literature and safety equipment to be dispersed through HRMPO partners.
- Advancement of a program to promote Bicycle Safety to non-English speaking or limited English proficiency residents of the region.
- Organization and attendance at community outreach events to promote bicycle and pedestrian modes of travel.
- Present and disseminate information regarding bicycle and pedestrian activities and safety materials at community events, civic group meetings, and other public meetings.
- Continue public outreach to raise awareness to both drivers and bicyclists to utilize the roadway space in a safe manner.
Non-Motorized Project Development Pipeline
The Pipeline updated and revised our understanding of regional non-motorized safety needs, and developed a list of strong candidate project sites for the 2019 Transportation Alternatives (TAP) and Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) application cycles. TAP and HSIP are grant funding programs that we use to seek funding for design and construction of non-motorized projects. Local planning staff in Harrisonburg and Rockingham indicated that a list of TAP and HSIP candidate project sites would be a valuable resource in developing grant applications in the Fall of 2019.
The Project Pipeline Development Process will use the most current data (2013 – 2018) to update our understanding of regional non-motorized safety needs in the ensuing 2-3 years since the MPO/City/County Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans, 2017 VDOT’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan, and 2016 Pedestrian Safety Action Plan (PSAP) were developed. Stephen Read, VDOT HSIP manager, will work with us to refine the Statewide Pedestrian Safety Action Plan (PSAP) 2020 update, for priority clusters and corridors for the HRMPO region.
HRMPO Bicycle Pedestrian Plan
The purpose of the HRMPO Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan is to provide a framework for the development of an efficient, safe, and interconnected system of pedestrian, bicycle, and multiuse facilities that will enhance the transportation system of the region. The Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan identifies where improvements are needed for bicyclists and pedestrians and makes recommendations for future accommodations. These include:
- Bike lanes
- Shared-use paths
- Sidewalks, and
- Intersection and crosswalk safety upgrades.
Recognizing that people are choosing to walk and bike more often, the HRMPO and Rockingham County created a plan to improve conditions for pedestrians and bicyclists in the Harrisonburg/Rockingham region.
Bicycle and pedestrian modes have become an important component to the transportation system of the Harrisonburg/Rockingham Region and are now widely seen as a viable transportation option. Recreational bicycling is growing in popularity and the region is increasingly recognized as a bicycle touring destination leading to economic opportunities and a healthier community. Harrisonburg has been recognized by the League of American Bicyclists as a bronze-level “Bicycle Friendly Community” and as a “Ride Center” by the International Mountain Bicycling Association.
Planning for bicycle and pedestrian transportation has risen in priority over the past few years and many planning initiatives have been ongoing throughout the region, resulting in expanded facilities, increased users, and various planning documents. The localities within the HRMPO region are recognizing the many important benefits of improving the pedestrian and bicyclist environment, including:
- Better quality of life,
- Improved health and reductions in obesity,
- Increased safety,
- Reductions in vehicular volumes, and
- Promoting tourism and economic development.
Central Shenandoah Valley Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
The Central Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Plan was adopted by our local jurisdictions in 2005. It identifies and recommends appropriate bicycle facilities for key roadways in the Region, including bike lanes, shared lanes, and expanded shoulders as well as separated bike paths. The Plan also makes recommendations for signage, bicycle maps, brochures, education and safety-conscious initiatives. The Plan creates a comprehensive network of cycling facilities connecting neighborhoods, communities, and key destination points in our Region.
City of Harrisonburg Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
Harrisonburg’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan provides a framework for enhancing the safety and attractiveness of walking and biking through on- and off-street improvements and public programs. The current Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan was adopted in 2010 and the updated version was adopted by City Council in April 2017.
Rockingham County Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
Rockingham County adopted their Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan in October 2016. The Plan is Rockingham County’s first bicycle and pedestrian plan, and it identifies important walking and biking connections between the County, the City of Harrisonburg, and the five Towns.
Bike the Valley
The Bike the Valley website encourages bicycling in the Central Shenandoah Valley. It details on-and off-road cycling facilities in our neighborhoods and communities, and provides a comprehensive list of scenic loop rides in each of our localities. Visitors can browse the maps for scenic routes in the counties of Augusta, Bath, Highland, Rockbridge, and Rockingham; the cities of Buena Vista, Harrisonburg, Lexington, Staunton, and Waynesboro; and the eleven towns that lie between.