October is Passenger Safety Month

A recently published article from Harrisonburg’s WSHV reminds viewers that October is Passenger Safety Month. According to the Governor Highway Safety Association, 7,508 people died in accidents involving pedestrians in 2022. So far in 2023, the Shenandoah Valley has...

$14,368,180 RAISE Grant Awarded to Harrisonburg

The U.S. Department of Transportation awarded the City of Harrisonburg a $14,368,180 Raise Grant to convert one driving lane of US-11 (Liberty Street and Noll Drive) to a two-way separated bicycle facility between the intersections of Main Street and Noll Drive and...

FY 24 UPWP and TIP Documents Approved in May

The HRMPO released three draft documents for a 21-day public comment period at the April Board meeting. There were no public comments received during the comment period. The Policy Board approved each document at the May 18, 2023 Board meeting. The final FY 2024...